Thursday, May 29, 2008

International Conference - Canada

I have been dreading leaving my children for two whole weeks to attend this International Conference organised by my employers. I had even thought that perhaps I could find a way of getting out of it. Well, I left the darling girls, crying buckets I must say, on Monday morning (May 26) and boarded my BA flight to London where I expected to connect to Toronto. It was traumatic parting for me as well because I normally don't leave the girls behind on my field trips, but this couldn't be helped.

I chose to fly BA because I believe the British are very organised and time concious and their flight times presented the shortest flying time and the most convenient for me. Imagine my dismay when we were delayed for 3 hours on the tarmac in Entebbe after boarding the plane on time, I might add.

First it was an extra bag.
"The computer in Johannesburg has indicated that the plane has an extra unidentified bag on board which must be located and taken off the plane," the Captain informed us politely. "This will only take 10 minutes and we shall be on our way."

We waited for about 20 minutes and then spoke to us again.
"We have not yet located the bag, but please bare with us, we may be another 10 minutes. We are very sorry about this delay."

He was very good at keeping us informed about what was going on. After waiting for another 20 minutes, the intercom came on again and we all shuffled hopefully in our seats.
"I'm afraid we have not yet found the extra bag. There is a plane behind us that is ready to leave, so we are going to move aside so that it can take off. Kindly remain in your seats with your seat belt firmly fastened."

After another 20 or so minutes.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we shall have to return to the terminal and remove all the bags inorder to locate the extra bag," the Captain said in his calm 'I'm totally in control' voice. "This will take about 30 minutes."

So we taxied back to the terminal and waited. There were lots of murmurs around and everyone waited expectantly.

It must have been at least an hour later.
"Ladies and gentlemen," the Captain announced. "The extra bag has been located and we are now ready for take off."


Friday, May 16, 2008

My Mother

I wrote this poem for my mother on mother's day. She turned 85 this month and we are so blessed to have her.

My Mother

My mother is
and has always been
a tower of strength for me

My mother is
and has always been
a fountain of love for me

My mother is
and has always been
a treasure of wisdom for me

My mother is
and has always been
a cushion of comfort for me

My mother is
and will always be
a very special person to me

My mother!

©2008 Christina Sempebwa