Thursday, July 12, 2007


You’ll never believe what happened to me
When I fell asleep in the old fig tree

Curled up in a hammock, high and free
A sailor, riding waves far out at sea

I had this dream, it was weird you see
I was in my boat and I wanted to wee

But there was no toilet unfortunately
In the small boat, big enough for me

All around there was sea, sea and sea
So I thought it would be fine to bend over and pee

I scanned the area and there was only me
Not a boat in sight only water around me

Perhaps everyone was inside having tea
But I couldn’t think of drinking at this time you see

So I bent over the boat ever so carefully
Now remember I was dreaming and up in a tree

At that precise moment I woke up you see
And found myself swinging in the old fig tree

The hammock was swaying precariously
And I fell to ground unceremoniously

There is no one about, I thought thankfully
So I rushed into the house, to the bathroom to wee

I returned feeling good, relieved and free
The pressure was gone and I was awake, you see

Well be ready my friend if you sleep in a tree
For a great new adventure that your dream may be

My advice to you is take it graciously
But don’t be surprised if it turns out unexpectedly

© 2007 Christina Sempebwa